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How To Setup Categories

Step 1

First, click the catalog.


Step 2

In the list of catalog, choose products.


Step 3

Click the blue button to add new products.


Step 4

Go to general. Here you can add your product name and also description of your product.


Format Description Example
Product name Your product name Macbook Pro
Description To describe your product It's faster and more powerful

Format Description Example
Meta Tag Title Title name of your product Macbook Pro
Meta Tag Description Provide summary of website’s content It's faster and more powerful
Meta Tag Keywords Help to tell search engine what the topic of the page is Apple products

After finish editing click blue button at upper right corner to save all data.


These are the example of meta tag title, meta tag description and meta tag keywords.


Step 5

Go to data. Here you can add your model of product.


Format Description Example
Image The image of your category to display
Top Display in the top menu bar. Only works for the top parent categories Yes
Columns Number of columns to use for the bottom 3 categories. Only works for the top parent categories 1
Sort Order How many order to sort 123
Status Status for your category Enable

After finish editing click blue button at upper right corner to save all data.


Step 6

Click this blue button to add new sub categories.


Step 7

Go to general. Key in the category name and also the meta tag title.


Step 8

Go to data. Key in the parent name.


Step 9

You must tick the checkbox to make it appear. Fill all the information in data. For SEO URL, key in the same name as your category name. After finish editing click blue button at upper right corner to save all data.


The new category that you have created already in your website's categories.


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